From discovery to health

Research is an essential endeavor at the First Faculty of Medicine. Our scientists and researchers conduct basic, translational, epidemiologic and clinical research across a broad spectrum of biomedical topics. In a tight cooperation with the General University Hospital and other partners, we bring research from “bench to bedside”.


Molecular medicine

11This research program focuses on molecular causes and pathogenic mechanisms of broad spectrum of human diseases. Research teams which participate in this project use experimental models including bacteria, invertebrates, tissue cultures, experimental animals and patient samples to investigate etiology and pathogenesis of diseases on molecular, cellular and tissue level. The advanced molecular and cell biology methods are used to explore etiology and pathogenesis of diseases on genomic, proteomic and metabolomic level. New animal models and bioinformatic tools are being developed in the program.

The main research topics include:

  • Identification of genetic causes of inherited diseases
  • Study of molecular processes involved in physiology and patholophysiology
  • Studies on interaction of the host and microorganisms and pathogenesis of bacterial, viral, protozoan and prion diseases


Research teams from following institutes and departments of the First Faculty of Medicine participate in the project:

Project coordinator: Doc. MUDr. Martin Vokurka, CSc (email)