From discovery to health

Research is an essential endeavor at the First Faculty of Medicine. Our scientists and researchers conduct basic, translational, epidemiologic and clinical research across a broad spectrum of biomedical topics. In a tight cooperation with the General University Hospital and other partners, we bring research from “bench to bedside”.


Cardiovascular Research

57The cardiovascular research is going on within the Complex Cardiovascular Centre of the First Medical Faculty and General University Hospital in Prague. The clinical and pre-clinical research projects are running in parallel with laboratory and animal model research in the Cardiac Physiology Experimental Lab and Laboratory of Functional Diagnostics at by the Department of Physiology. Important part of the cardiovascular program is represented by basic and translational research performed in the Developmental Cardiology Group at the Department of Anatomy.

Main areas of research include following fields:

  • Coronary heart disease imaging and treatment
  • Cardiomyopathies and myocarditis
  • Pulmonary hypertensionPeripheral vascular diseasesHeart failure and cardiac arrest programArterial hypertension
  • Preventive cardiology


Research teams from following departments of the First Faculty of Medicine participate in the project:


Project coordinator: prof. MUDr. Aleš Linhart, DrSc.